Reading a Card

Each of our Net Zero Cards describes an action your congregation could take and is marked with a number of features to help guide you.

An Online Net Zero Card showing that the title is in the centre with a unique icon for that card and the step number shown at at bottom

Each card has a Card Title and unique Card Icon with an 100 word Overview provided below this. At the lower centre of the card, the corresponding Step Number is shown (see Steps section under Toolkit Structure). A brief Motivating Quote is shown on the bottom right.

The cards also show two further things: a relative Cost Indicator and the potential Carbon Savings Indicator.

The Cost Indicator is provided on a scale of 1 to 5. Our buildings vary so much in size that they don’t correspond to actual price tags! Here is what they are intended to mean:

Cost IndicatorExplanation
£actions the group might decide to just go ahead and do immediately
££actions that might only take delegated decisions to a property management committee
£££in-between actions
££££actions where groups are likely to have to raise funds via the community or grants
£££££actions likely to require substantial grant fund-raising and planning, including evidence of community engagement events and donations from the congregation or local community

The Carbon Savings Indicator provides a scale from * (bringing modest improvements) to ***** (very large carbon savings).

These indicators can only be very rough because your costs and benefits will depend on your building and how you use it, but we hope they form a useful guide.

If you feel stuck, look for the Magic Wand cards (shown with an icon). These are the cards that can be real game-changers because they make a big change from “business as usual.”